Who is Juan Ciscomani?

Juan Ciscomani has spent most of his adult life on the board of directors of a Christian Nationalist group called the Patriot Academy that believes we should rewrite the constitution to establish a Christian Nation and considers the separation of church and state a “myth.” The Patriot Academy trains children as young as eleven years old to use lethal force, believes we should abolish gay marriage and is against abortion with no exceptions.
What is the Patriot Academy?
The Patriot Academy believes that the United States is on the brink of “Godless communism” and the only way to save the country is to re-write the Constitution to establish a Christian nation. [The New Republic, 1/3/23]
The Patriot Academy says it is in a “life and death struggle to rewrite the Constitution” and is teaching its supporters how to defend themselves with a handgun, “just in case.” It has provided firearms training for kids as young as 11, specifically teaching how to fire two shots into “vital areas” of the human body in under two seconds. [The New Republic, 1/3/23] [Patriot Academy, Constitutional Defense, 6/21/24]
The Patriot Academy wants to ban same-sex marriage, calling it “scripturally sinful,” and states that churches supporting equality are being attacked by the Devil. [Patriot Academy, Patriot Press Blog, 2/18/19]
The Patriot Academy opposes all abortions, even in cases of rape and incest, claims that Planned Parenthood is “in the business of harvesting murdered baby body parts for sale,” and Patriot Academy founder Rick Green has compared abortion to the holocaust. [Patriot Academy, Patriot Press Blog, 1/22/18]

"Patriot Academy is engaged in a life and death struggle to rewrite America’s Constitution."
- The New Republic, My Week Inside a Right-Wing “Constitutional Defense”
Training Camp, 1/3/23
Photograph by Mark Peterson/Redux for The New Republic
What is Juan Ciscomani’s role in the Patriot Academy?
Juan Ciscomani started the Arizona chapter of the Patriot Academy and served on the board for over 14 years.

Juan Ciscomani on far left

“I can wholeheartedly say that nothing in my life has given me a clearer direction for my life than Patriot Academy”